Personal Finance Mobile App

Reveneu is a cross-platform application that takes some of the weight off of small business owner's shoulders by making their finances and budgeting as easy as 2+2.

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Join Revenu

Revenu's onboarding process gather's new user's information through easy to fill out steps. Users can learn why the app requests certain information, get educated on different topics such as their business type, and skip steps depending on their preferences.

Explore the App

Revenu's account page is an easy way to get updated on all your finances, check on your accounts, make payments and review your budget. This allows easy access to all of your documents and is constantly up to date as long as you connect your bank accounts and allow access to your financial realtime data.

Navigate from Page to Page

Through the use of a mobile nav, card quicklinks and a readily available back button users can easily navigate from page to page, even on a mobile application.

Simple Editing Capabilities

While Revenu operates off of the data it collects from your bank accounts, spending and planned budgets, users are still capable of manually editting anything within the app. So if you have a new bank account, made a new hire, or simply want to make manual changes to your income and expenses it's no problem!

Quick and Easy Payment Options

Throughout Revenu's design there are quicklinks to submitting payments. While some user's might prefer to pay through their online bank accounts or on Revenu's detail page for payments these quicklinks serve both as a friendly reminder and the opportunity for payment on the go.


Before diving into this project I did some research to better understand what is needed from business owners to run their finances in a successful and organized manner. This ranged from learning what common business terms mean, looking into common documents used for accounting and financing, and learning about the loans and taxes small businesses often deal with.


When starting my sketches I decided to focus on mobile first with the initial idea that my mobile designs would transfer into a dashboard style tablet and desktop design. This would allow for easy navigation and a module system.