Emilie Ravena

Emotions: B, C, S

My Portfolio

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Concept & Research

Our main goal with this project was to teach kids that emotions are normal and necessary. With the cards, we wanted to give them the proper words to better explain how they might be feeling. TheiPad interactions would then give them examples of what to do if they experienced a certain emotion.We gathered a lot of research by interviewing a few professionals; a fourth-grade teacher and psychology professors at RIT. We also spent time looking at designs of children’s booksand games to get a better grasp of what children react well to.

B is for Bored

My goal with this card was to communicate that being bored isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s a perfect time to find some inner creativity and make your own fun. In the interaction, the child will tap on the hidden toys for the character, Billy, to play with.

Mockup of front and back of 'Bored' card. A young boy looks boredwith his hands holding his head up. He is then shown playing pretend in his living room wearing a crown and a red cape.
Bored Card
Video of Bored Tablet Interaction Prototyped with Figma

C is for Confused

I wanted this card to help kids learn that being confused is okayand completely normal. It is also okay to ask for help, which canbe a scary task for some kids. In the interaction, I referenced how being confused can seem like solving a puzzle, so the goal ofthe game is to solve the puzzle which shows an example of what children can do if they’re confused by something.

Mockup of front and back of 'Confused' card. A young boy looks confused about the mathematical equations around his head. He is then shown solving them with the help of a teacher.
Confused Card
Video of Confused Tablet Interaction Prototyped with Principle

S is for Surprised

My goal with this card was to show an example of how a child might be surprised by something. The iPad interaction allows a child to drag a slider back and forth to see the character’s facebecome surprised.

Mockup of front and back of 'Surprised' card. A close-up of a girl's surprised expression. She is then shown walking into a room where friends are throwing her a surprise party.
Surprised Card
Video of Suprised Tablet Interaction Prototyped with Principle


This project taught me a lot about the differences between designing for print and designing for digital spaces. Working in a group of nine people also came with some obstacles. We had to decide as a team how to limit ourselves to make sure our final result was cohesive enough while making sure we were still allowing our creative differences to be showcased. It took some time to arrive at a format that allows for artistic flexibility but still contains a unified style.

Emotions Cards
Emotions Cards: C,B,S

Downloadable Assets

You may use the below assets created for this project provided via Figma as long as you give attribution, share your outcomes, and if your use is non-commercial in nature.

The above work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Creative Commons License