Liam Madigan

Symbiotic Relationships: G, T, Y

Liam’s Portfolio

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Designing for Educational Environments

I conducted interviews with four teachers to gain insight on the educational environment our game would exist within. Because the current curriculum is very structured, we chose to add in a habitat element into our designs. My interactions focus on expanding a students knowledge of the animal and their habitat.

An Interactive Digital Workbook

My interactions are based off of the idea of an interactive workbook, with the first part being a simple activity, and the second half allowing a student to explore the animals habitat.

The giant tarantula interaction has a child helping the spider make a nest through drawing.

Giant Tarantula card and interaction screens
Giant Tarantula card and interaction screens
Video of Giant Tarantula Tablet Interaction Prototyped with Principle App

The Tegeticula Moth collects pollen from the Yucca Plant and carries it to other flowers. To mimic this, my interaction has a child making the pollen fall, and then collecting it all. After this, they can explore more information about the moths habitat through an animated interaction.

Tegeticula Moth card and interaction screens
Tegeticula Moth card and interaction screens
Video of Tegeticula Moth Tablet Interaction Prototyped with Principle App

The Yucca Flower is crucial to its pairing, the Tegeticula Moth. To give the child more information on the different parts of the flower, the interaction has them building a Yucca flower through drag and drop motions. After this, they can again explore the Yucca Plant’s habitat and gain valuable information on what makes its habitat unique.

Yucca Plant card and interaction screens
Yucca Plant card and interaction screens
Video of Yucca Flower Tablet Interaction Prototyped with Principle App

Complex =/= Better

Taking on a task like designing a card game was not an easy feat, but I am incredibly proud of our team for pulling through and designing it! Overall, I learned that complexity is not always better, especially when trying to explain concepts to children.

Photo of Cards Y, T, G
Photo of Cards Y, T, G

Downloadable Assets

You may use the below assets created for this project provided via Figma as long as you give attribution, share your outcomes, and if your use is non-commercial in nature.

The above work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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